What is love? This fundamental question has engaged humans for centuries, sparking debate and dividing opinion. Some say it’s merely a neurological condition; others believe it’s a more spiritual state of being. What’s undeniable is the power of love, and its ability to inflict both great pleasure and terrible pain. Penn’s latest artworks explore the darker side of the emotion: the distorted lenses of limerence that trick the mind into believing that this is love.

Humans yearn for physical and emotional intimacy without understanding what drives this desire, and in doing so, lose touch with what love truly is.

The Beauty in the Breakdown is one of Penn’s most personal collections to date, a sensitive reflection on what it means to lose (and rediscover) oneself. Though artists are often perceived as invincible, Penn’s work demonstrates that creativity can be vulnerable, and is often affected by loss of self-worth and purpose, brought about by destructive relationships. 

During the grieving process of his own troubled relationship, Penn archived each moment and gave his feelings and outlet through a new medium, poetry. The unintentional calligraphic aesthetic of the hand-written poetry became the artwork itself. Using the original writing as abstract elements, each piece holds fragments of the raw emotions that inspired the writing. The collection represents the artist’s journey from preservation to perseverance. From a dark place of contention, to a lonely place, to one of empowerment and positivity this work takes you on a journey. Through the use of reflective surfaces, the viewer is simply asked to reflect on the nature of love through self.